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Virginia Tech researchers: Are you curious about how to propel a startup from your lab?

Our world is continually reshaped by new technologies emerging from academic research. Expanding the impact of your research on society and into our economy requires translation of early-stage technologies into market serving products and services.  这样做的一个途径是创业.  

The LAUNCH: Center for New Ventures is again presenting 启动创业实验室s this fall. This professional workshop series is specifically designed for Virginia Tech research-focused faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students to enhance their entrepreneurial thinking and de-mystify the deeptech new-venture creation process. 在七个每周模块的过程中, each “lab” will address a different aspect of lab-to-market venture creation and provide experience in applying entrepreneurial tools and methodologies that reduce the uncertainty in advancing new technologies to market.  

This work was supported in part by the 英联邦网络倡议, 对网络研发的投资&D、创新和劳动力发展. 有关CCI的更多信息,请访问 www.cyberinitiative.org.

What is it?

  • A series of seven (8) weekly one-hour workshop-like labs delivered in a virtual format
    • An optional Regional NSF I-Corps Track is available to participants interested in gaining eligibility for NSF I-Corps funding in the national cohort program.
  • Interactive and informative with experiential learning activities related to new venture creation 
  • 机会:
    • Explore possible startup opportunities related to your research;
    • Engage with other like-minded researchers curious about new venture creation; 
    • Earn Virginia Tech professional development network (PDN) credits and earn a PDN badge representing your accomplishment.
    • 可选I-Corps轨道: Simultaneously complete the NSF I-Corps Regional Course to gain eligibility for NSF I-Corps funding in the national cohort program.


A fun, 无痛而有趣的一套课程学习得A,B,C's of developing your technology and discovering whether it could fly in the marketplace. 我真的很喜欢这些课程!

- Dr. Mark Williams, Professor, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences


The 启动创业实验室s is a resource to the Virginia Tech research community and is supported by the Office of Research and Innovation.  有资格参加, 你必须是弗吉尼亚理工大学的现任教员, staff, 从事资助研究的博士后或研究生.  Undergraduate students are not eligible unless currently engaged in funded research (compensated research assistant or other applicable role).


Participants are encouraged to enroll for the entire seven sessions of Startup Labs. Individual enrollment links for each Startup Lab is listed below. If you have any questions email Teresa McCoy, 项目协调员, teresas@vt.Edu,你也可以 go to our 常见问题.


可用性 Workshop
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节1:学术衍生的基础  确定你的创业目标, introduction to hypothesis testing for deeptech startup opportunities.  
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节2:业务建模 -如何建立商业模式并定义, test and iterate critical assumptions in the deeptech commercialization opportunity.
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节3:团队 -深度科技创业团队的战略设计和组建.
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节4:形成 & Funding -创业公司合法成立的步骤, the diverse mechanisms of federal and state deeptech commercialization funding and how private capital investment works.
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节5:推销,讲故事 & Branding How to best leverage the communications mechanisms of a technology startup and the importance of building a website voice.
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节6:新产品开发 产品开发和产品发布的阶段, 包括常见的方法和主要挑战.
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节7:知识产权战略 & Management - 知识产权战略与管理以及如何专利, 商标和版权受到投资者的重视.
橙色画布上的异步 实验环节8:SBIR/ str资助机会 - 如何驾驭SBIR/STTR格局.


  • This series is being offered on demand and delivered in an asynchronous learning model and can be accessed by enrolling in Orange Canvas or contact Teresa McCoy, 项目协调员, 在teresas@vt.Edu申请课程邀请. 
  • 建议参与者参加第一个创业实验室. The remaining labs can be taken in order or based on topic and participant interest.   


  • 登记:  The Startup Lab series is now offered on demand and delivered asynchronously. The series is available in VT Orange Canvas or contact Teresa McCoy 在teresas@rnk2.net. 
  • 创业实验室会议: 建议参与者参加第一个创业实验室. The remaining labs can be taken in order or based on topic and participant interest.   

No. 参加LAUNCH创业实验室是免费的. 

This professional workshop series is specifically designed for Virginia Tech research-focused faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students to enhance their entrepreneurial thinking and de-mystify the deeptech new-venture creation process.

No.  However, if you do have a technology commercialization opportunity in mind, the workshop series offers the opportunity to apply the activities to your idea.Participants only need curiosity about the deeptech startup process. We recognize many academic researchers may feel disassociated from startup entrepreneurship or that they do not have the time or incentives to engage the process. So, we encourage researchers who feel this way to participate and discover that deeptech entrepreneurship has many possible levels of engagement. The 启动创业实验室 is only available to  current members of the Virginia Tech research community (see 资格 above).

All the Startup Labs are offered on demand through the VT Orange Canvas site or contact Teresa McCoy, 项目协调员, 在teresas@rnk2.net.  Reference materials will be available online for review and to download.

  • Participants are strongly encouraged to begin with the first Startup Lab to get an introduction to concepts of entrepreneurship and commercialization.  The 7 remaining Startup Labs can be taken in any sequence according to interest in a specific topic.

在创业实验室研讨会的过程中, the instructors will be holding their own office hours either in person or virtually.  一般问题请联系Teresa McCoy, teresas@vt.Edu或link@rnk2.net

